
My Journey From A Shy People Pleaser To Be More Assertive

And how you can be more confident with assertiveness too. Check out other episodes of the Speak Your Mind Unapologetically Podcast HERE. Sign up for our Weekly Newsletter on Assertive Communication for tips and inspiration to speak your mind with confidence and get taken seriously. We take your email seriously and will never sell or share it. In

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The 8 Things No One Told You About How To Protect Your Hard-Earned Money (Part 2)

Here are 8 ways to be more assertive with your personal finances: 1) ask your bank, accountant, and financial advisor for references and qualifications even if they get upset; 2) initiate purposeful money conversations with colleagues, family, and friends; 3) make your own financial decisions instead of allowing others to make them for you; 4) be financially informed: know your revenue, expenses, taxes, and investments in detail; 5) prioritize your money; 6) say no to financial commitments that you can’t make in the moment; 7) regularly talk about finances with your spouse, even if they don’t want to; 8) have financial goals instead of allowing others to push their own goals on you.

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The 8 Things No One Told You About How To Protect Your Hard-Earned Money (Part 1)

Here are 8 ways to speak up to protect your money: 1) clarify with HR all of your employment benefits and rights and how to access them; 2) negotiate your compensation when you get a new job, even if it feels pushy; 3) ask your boss about the path to a raise, and then keep them accountable; 4) source and actively manage your financial team: accountant, financial advisor, spouse; 5) insist about the exact fees, interest rates, penalties, and conditions, even if they change topics; 6) negotiate terms and conditions; 7) ask all your “stupid” financial questions to your accountant, financial advisor, bank even if they try to overwhelm you with jargon; 8) ask your bank or financial advisors if they are fiduciary.

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