How To Be More Assertive Without Being Rude

4 Top Speaking Up Fears Debunked

The top reason people shy away from speaking up and expressing their needs, boundaries, desires, true thoughts, and feelings are their fears of speaking up. The top four fears of speaking up are the fear of coming across as rude, offensive, aggressive, or mean; the fear of being disliked; the fear of hurting people’s feelings; and the fear of retaliation or backlash.

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Are You Introverted, Shy, Anxious, or Passive? How To Tell

Do you know the difference between introvert, shyness, passive behavior, and social anxiety?
This will help you speak up for yourself, be more assertive at work and in life without being rude or aggressive, and stop being a people-pleaser.
Introverts get energy from time alone while extroverts get energy in social activities. There are many exceptional introverted leaders such as Bill Gates, Elon Musk, and Mark Zucherberg.
Shy people avoid eye contact, feel nervous, and awkward in social events. They magnify their fear of negative judgement from others. They feel anxious and avoid some social situations but are still able to have a functioning and happy life.
➡️Social Anxiety
People with social anxiety may not take a promotion because they can’t handle the attention in the meetings. Social anxiety is an extreme version of shyness that affects people’s life because it causes people to withdraw from several situations.
➡️Passive Behavior
Passive behavior may be saying yes when you mean no, not asking for a promotion when you want it, or not giving negative feedback to an employee. Passive’s don’t express their needs, desires, and rights. They give away their power. It is often associated with people pleasing, being submissive, co-dependency, or even being “nice.”
➡️What Do You Need?
You can end social anxiety, be less shy, and be more assertive. That way you’ll be less crippled socially, find your personal freedom, have more joy, and feel more in control.

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