Find Courage To Speak Your Mind In These Episodes

9 Podcast Episodes To Give You the Courage To Speak Your Mind Unapologetically.

Check out other episodes of the Speak Your Mind Unapologetically Podcast HERE.

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Courage to speak your mind comes from shifting your perspective, not worrying about what people think of you, embracing conflict and confrontation, finding strong reasons to do so, understanding your fears, and knowing how to speak up in a respectful way. These episodes of the Speak Your Mind Podcast will break it down for you.

“I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.” Nelson Mandela

I remember how arduous it was to ask a question in the classroom, make a comment in the meeting, ask my boss to take some days off, ask to be in a project, refuse being treated poorly by certain people….

Sometimes it took me months to gather the courage to say something. But when I did, I realized it was much easier than I thought it would be.

Mindset is the first thing that holds us back from saying what we need or want to say.

Here are the top Speak Your Mind Unapologetically Podcast MINDSET  episodes to help you gain more courage to speak up:

12 Questions To Know When To Ignore Criticism and Judgment

Not all judgement is created equal. You can’t get rid of others judgment of you, but you can police it. 

In this episode you’ll find 12 questions to help you know when to not take judgment and criticism too seriously.

Top Hack To Stop Worrying About What People Think Of You

Don’t worry about what people think of you, worry about what you think of yourself! 

Here is the top hack on how you can increase your focus on yourself so you can stop worrying about what others think of you and start being free to make your own decisions.

8 Ways To Be more Confident With Perspective Taking

To feel more confident, often all you need is a fresh perspective to get out of your negative overthinking.

Here are 8 ways to change your perspective on a negative interaction so that you can feel more confident about yourself.

6 Conflict Myths: Lies Teachers Like To Tell About Confrontation

If you are the kind of person that is very nice, is very considerate about not hurting other people’s feelings, or if you really want people to like you, chances are you dread conflict and confrontation.

Ironically, by avoiding conflict and not bringing up important issues that bother you in a timely manner, you may end up hurting people, being rude, and pushing people away from you.

In this episode, we’ll debunk these 6 conflict myths:

  • Conflict and confrontation are bad.
  • Conflict is caused by difficult, angry, or aggressive trouble-making people.
  • Conflict means there’s a problem in the relationship.
  • Time will heal the pain without the need for conflict.
  • Confrontation is painful and overwhelming.
  • Kind people don’t confront.

5 Ways To Convince Yourself To Speak Up Even If You Are Fearful 

One of the biggest challenges people face when trying to speak up comes from inside: their fears. 

Fear of backlash, fear of being misunderstood, fear of upsetting other people, fear of retaliation, fear of being reported on, fear of not being liked, fear of being labeled difficult, fear of bothering people, worry that you’ll be ignored no matter what, fear of what people might think of you, fear of embarrassment, or ridicule and looking like a fool, of people judging you, thinking you are stupid, or of coming across as rude.

In this episode, you’ll find 5 ways to speak up even if you feel the fear.

You Don’t Have To Be Aggressive To Get Ahead

Many people think they have to be aggressive to get ahead in their careers because of the aggressive work culture and aggressive leaders in many companies.

The reality is that you can be a kind person and get ahead at the same time. You’ll still need to speak up and advocate for yourself, and you can do so in a polite and respectful way.

How To Find The Courage To Ask For What You Want Even If It Is Unreasonable

You’ll never know their answer to a request until you actually express your desire and invite people to support your goal.

How do you find the courage to ask for what you want, even if it feels unreasonable to you? Find out in this episode.

You’ll also discover how Muhammad Yunus, the pioneer of the micro-finance, created massive opportunity for himself and for others.

4 Top Speaking Up Fears Debunked

The top reason people shy away from speaking up and expressing their needs, boundaries, desires, true thoughts, and feelings are their fears.

The top four fears of speaking up are the fear of coming across as rude, offensive, aggressive, or mean; the fear of being disliked; the fear of urting people’s feelings; and the fear of retaliation or backlash.

The good news is that these visceral speaking up fears that feel so real are in reality unjustified. You can speak up and still avoid all the negative things on the other side of those fears. 

10 Secrets to Heart-Centered Assertive Communication

Find out the secret sauce to speaking up with assertive communication in a heart-driven way.

These are the 10 principles to keep in mind as you are assertive in a heart-centered way.

Sign up for our Free Newsletter for tips and inspiration to boost your career with assertive communication!

We take your email seriously and will never sell or share it.

“I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it.” ~Nelson Mandela

Spread the assertive confidence!

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