50 Eye-Opening Ways To Speak Up For Yourself

It’s more than just dealing with toxic people.

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Some people think that speaking up is about defending themselves from toxic and rude people or saying no to other people’s requests. They imagine speaking up as this epic and loud confrontation that ends in bloody breakups and forever enemies that never speak again.

The reality is that speaking up is important for most interactions with other people where there is a purpose for that interaction.

For example, a random chit chat about the weekend that has no clear outcome doesn’t require you to speak up.

But if you want something out of that interaction, if you have a clear purpose, then you are in speaking up territory, you are deliberate and on a positive mission.

Sometimes the purpose of speaking up is as complex as getting a promotion. But sometimes the purpose of speaking up is as simple as feeling heard and understood. That’s why speaking up is purpose driven. It is about expressing yourself to other people with an intention.

That’s why the more control you want to have over your own life and career and the faster you want to advance your goals, the more you need to speak up.

Here are 50 opportunities to speak up at work that will bring you closer to your dreams, to your desired lifestyle, and success.

  1. Share your perspective in a conversation
  2. Contribute in meetings
  3. Share your values to your team or in your company
  4. Disagree with your boss or a superior
  5. Ask for the opportunity you want
  6. Ask for the resources and training you want or need to be more successful
  7. Ask for the pay that you deserve
  8. Ask other people to change their behaviors
  9. Ask to take time off or use your vacation days
  10. Ask to leave early or come in later to better attend to your personal needs
  11. Ask for clarification when you don’t understand something
  12. Protect your time and energy
  13. Say no to unreasonable requests
  14. Get your boss to stop micromanaging you
  15. Get your rude colleague to stop saying bad things about you to others by email
  16. Fight for what you believe
  17. Refuse to be silenced
  18. Tell people to back off politely
  19. Politely deal with people who interrupt you
  20. Interrupt others in a respectful way
  21. Handle credit stealing
  22. Give people candid feedback without hurting their feelings
  23. Share honest praise
  24. Receive compliments in a way that makes people want to give you more
  25. Express appreciation
  26. Reach out to your networks
  27. Show others what you’ve accomplished
  28. Share your vision
  29. Get other people’s buy in for your idea
  30. Express your expectations to others
  31. Better understand other people’s feedback
  32. Stand up for others
  33. Stand up for yourself
  34. Help promote someone else
  35. Protect and amplify your power
  36. Negotiate for what you want
  37. Find a mentor or sponsor
  38. Get yourself into the meeting you want to be in
  39. Get the appreciation you deserve
  40. Build rapport and deepen connections with people
  41. Get people to respect you
  42. Get people to take you seriously
  43. Negotiate better pay or working conditions
  44. Fight for your team’s growth and safety
  45. Bring joy to the hard conversation
  46. Put people at ease in an uncomfortable conversation
  47. Push people to be better and more productive in a motivating way
  48. Make people feel heard and valued while still getting your point across
  49. Share your elevator pitch when networking
  50. Ask for an introduction

What you have to say is valuable, important, and meaningful, no matter your status, title, or age. Your speaking up voice will help protect what is important to you, resolve conflict, achieve greater things, have better relationships, and find lasting happiness.

Make speaking up a part of your daily life. Make it a proactive step rather than just a reactive defense. And get comfortable and good at speaking up for massive confidence in your ability to lead the life of your dreams.

Assertive communication is a skill that helps you speak up in a respectful and effective way. Start to learn assertive communication today by taking this free crash course on how to be assertive without being rude here.

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“Speak your truth, even if your voice shakes.” – Maggie Kuhn

Spread the assertive confidence!

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