How to get goal setting right.
By Assertive Way
Key Takeaways
- Writing goals in the wrong way can cause regret, lack of motivation, and inertia.
- To set goals you’ll actually achieve and won’t regret later, use this 3-part framework: align your dreams, set high level goals, and set tactical goals.
- To align your dreams, define success, prioritize your main life areas, and define your personal 10-year vision.
- To set high level goals, define your 1 year goals, clarify your most important goal, and find out what you can lessen.
- To set tactical goals, define sub-goals, habits, and a tracking system.
- Get your one-pager to plan your goals by clicking here.
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Do you forget your goals by February each year?
Those who have goals are 10 times more successful at realizing those goals than those without goals, according to Harvard Business Study. And those with written goals are 3 times more successful at realizing those goals than those with unwritten goals, according to Harvard Business study. Therefore, if you have written goals you are 30 times more likely to succeed in them than those without goals!
And having SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-based) isn’t enough!
Writing goals in the wrong way can cause several risks:
- Forgetting your goals
- Losing motivation to pursue your goals
- Not even starting to work on your goals
- Not feeling like you are making any progress
- Achieving goals that don’t matter much to your life and career plan
- Achieving goals that you later realize you didn’t really want
Here’s a 3-part framework to help you set goals that will stick around all year.
Dream alignment – To avoid setting goals that you’ll regret later.
- Define success
- Prioritize your life areas
- Define your 10-year vision
High-level goals – To get your priorities right.
- Define your 1-year goals
- Define your #1 goal
- Clarify what you want less of
Tactical goals – To set yourself up for success and to keep motivated.
- Define sub-goals
- Define habits
- Track your goals
Let’s break it down.
Start now by filling out this one pager goal setting template here.
Dream Alignment
Get clear on your values and dreams. Understand what matters the most to you. That way you won’t get to the end of a year, decade, or life feeling regrets because you pursued someone else’s dream, not yours.
First, define success to you. Think about what makes you happy. What would a perfect day look like? Success is usually vague and often associated with money, status, power, and material possessions. However, for you it may mean more time with loved ones, health, freedom as you define it, financial independence, using your talents, service, spiritual development, or others.
Second, prioritize the areas of your life. Strategy is about prioritizing amongst many options. You have finite time and energy. Rank each area of your life in terms of what you want to prioritize in the next year: career, income, savings, fun, health, faith, love, family, friends, self-development, spirituality, etc. Prioritize based on how far you are from ideal and how important it is for you.
Third, define your 10-year vision. Most people underestimate what they can achieve in 10 years but overestimate what they can achieve in 1 year. Go big on your 10-year vision. You can change career, income, and country. You can build an empire.
High-level Goals
Get clear on your priorities for the year and on where you want to put most of your time. That way, if you have major setbacks during the year, you’ll know where to put your energy.
First, define your 1-year SMART goals in your priority areas of life and aligned with your 10-year vision you set up earlier.
Second, clarify what is the top goal from all of your 1-year goals that would make you feel successful even if it was the only thing you achieved. Ideally this one goal would help you with other goals. For example, it could be to manage your time better by waking up at 5am. That way you’ll have more time for your exercise and reading goals.
Third, find out what are the time stealers from the previous year that you could eliminate to create more space for new and more important goals. Is it Netflix, spending time with people who you don’t like, mindless social media?
Get clear on your priorities for the year and on where you want to put most of your time. That way, if you have major setbacks during the year, you’ll know where to put your energy.
Tactical Goals
Goals feel like big unattainable things if we don’t break them down and think about how we’ll incorporate them into our daily lives. That is why you need some tactical planning.
First, write down sub-goals for each of your main goals for the year. That will increase your focus and motivation.
Second, outline the habits that will move you towards your goals. You can control habits, but you can’t always control goal outcomes. If you choose the right habits, like working out 30 min a day, eating one salad a day, reading for 30 min a day, working on an important project every Saturday morning, and so on, you’ll definitely move the needle towards your goal and feel motivated along the way.
Third, make sure you have a tracking process for your goals, sub-goals, and habits. Tracking keeps you motivated and allows you to course correct along the way. Consider enlisting an accountability partner to keep you committed and schedule your tasks and habits in a calendar.
Have a tracking process for your goals, sub-goals, and habits. Tracking keeps you motivated and allows you to course correct along the way.
If goal setting hasn’t worked out for you in the past, you probably missed one of these 3 core elements.
To start, set at least one hour to do your goal setting exercise. To get you started I’ve made a downloadable one pager PDF with prompts you can get here.
Sign up for our Weekly Newsletter “Nice With Limits” for tips and inspiration for confidence at work and to boost your career!
We take your email seriously and will never sell or share it.

Here’s a 3-part framework to help you set goals that will stick around all year.
Dream alignment – To avoid setting goals that you’ll regret later.
- Define success
- Prioritize your life areas
- Define your 10-year vision
High-level goals – To get your priorities right.
- Define your 1-year goals
- Define your #1 goal
- Clarify what you want less of
Tactical goals – To set yourself up for success and to keep motivated.
- Define sub-goals
- Define habits
- Track your goals
“If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.” – Albert Einstein
Spread the assertive confidence!

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Video Transcript
0:00 Introduction
How do you set goals and achieve those goals. Now here we are at the beginning of the year and we want to make sure that you set goals because that is what’s going to take you forward to make you successful. So let me show you how to do that and why it’s so important. So first of all do you have written goals? Because if you don’t have written goals then you are highly unlikely to get to achieve what they what it is that you want. People who have goals are 10 times more likely more successful on achieving their goals than those people without goals. A people who have written goals, you gotta get your goals and write them down somewhere, they are three times more likely to achieve those goals and be successful than those who have goals in their head but haven’t written them down. So that is the number one reason why you should have goals and then make sure that you write them down.
1:00 3-part framework to set goals
OK now I want to talk to you about this framework on how to write your goals in such a way that you will achieve them. You’re not going to forget about them and they’re not going to feel this like this dream that is unachievable and that you’re going to get into the year thinking I haven’t moved the needle in this area. Right. We want something a goal process that you will stick to and that you will not regret. I just broke it down here for you in these three core elements: so the dream alignment ,so basically you want to align your dreams to those goals. First you have to start really high level really big picture. And the goal here is to avoid setting goals that you might regret later. Maybe, you’re going to set a goal that somebody else had for you but that isn’t really the most important thing for you in that year. The second element is setting your priorities right with high level goals. You need to start top down. You’re not going to get too detailed in your high level goals but it’s good to understand your high level goals for the year so that that can drive your tactical goals, your tactical approach on how you’re going to implement a higher goal to follow through with that throughout the year. Which is making sure that you’re setting yourself up for success and you’re able to maintain yourself motivated as you move through the year. So is it 3 elements: that dream alignment, the high level, and in the tactical goals. Within the dream alignment you’re going to define success. You’re going to prioritize the areas of your life right now in this moment. And then you’re going to think about your 10 year plan. Then in the high level goals you’re going to look at your one year. You can look at your number one goal and what you need to do less of so that you could find more time for the important things in your life for the new goals that are coming through right. Because you have a limited amount of time my friend. And then finally when we get to the tactical side, is making sure that you get this implemented in your life then you have the sub goals for each of the major goals, the habits, which is something you can control, and how you’re going to track all of this. OK my friends so let’s get started.
3:07 Dream alignment
The first one is around aligning your dreams, avoiding setting goals that you’re going to regret later, because I don’t know if you’ve ever seen this but one of the top regrets of the dying is to live a life that they did not want to live. So they’ve set up goals that they didn’t really want to achieve. They actually achieve those goals and at the end they realize that’s not something that made them happy. That it was not their dream. That was somebody else’s dream, that it was their parents dream, that it was the society’s dream, but that wasn’t their dream. That it wasn’t what would make them happy. So first of all you need to connect with yourself and understand what it is and think independently from society, from other people, and understand what you want my friend. You need to have that clarity in your life before you get into tactical. The worst thing is to spend so much time and effort in designing and implementing goals that are not really aligned with what you want Plus if you can’t figure out the purpose, if you can’t feel a feeling of connection with your goals, right, and if it’s not your real goal, then you’re not going to find it, and it would be really hard to get the motivation. To find the motivation to follow through the entire year to conclude and achieve those goals, right. You want to build that connection and this is the moment. This is the very beginning. It is building that connection, that intention around what is important to you. Getting that clarity. This is something that only you can do, right. So you want to do that. You want this: aligning with your purpose and making sure that you live your own dreams and not the dreams of other people. OK three elements like I said.
4:47 Define success
Defining success. What is success to you, prioritizing life areas, and defining the 10 year vision. Let’s get into the details. When you define success, like I said, you don’t wanna live the success of some other person. Every individual, every person is going to have a different definition of success and you have to figure out what that success means to you. What will make you feel successful at the end of the year. What success means to you. For some people it might be a lot of money, for some people it might be time freedom they want, more free time. I know people that you know are at a stage in their lives where they want to have fun. Maybe there are a little bit older and they worked all life and you know they were focused focus on work work work delivery. Now they just want to relax, have fun, and enjoy life. Some other people want to focus on their career and get that going and grow in their career. Some people want to focus on learning and development. Maybe in your 20s, or in College, in your teens like it’s all about learning and growth and development. Maybe it’s about experiences. When I was in my 20s, for example, it was all about experiences. I wanted to expand the amount of experiences I had in life. So I wanted to travel, and try jobs in different industries, and go all over the world, you know. That was something that made me happy. That was success to me. Wherever you are maybe you want to start a family, maybe you want to get your finances under control right, maybe that is success to you in that moment. And again success my friends can change overtime, so you gotta think about what success overall is, what success is right now, what does that mean for you, what are the things that make you feel successful? Is it taking control over your life? Is it providing to your family? Is it taking care of your feeling, like feeling energized and healthy and abundant? What is success to you right now this year and then think about also what is the perfect day. That also helps you understand success if you’re having trouble defining success OK. What would be the perfect day for you? What would it be? How would you wake up? How much time would you have? You know where would you be going? Who would you be talking to? Who would you be dealing with? What kind of work? What kind of relationships would you have? What does the perfect day look like and what of that perfect day is missing from your current day? So those are a little bit different ways of thinking about success. Right now, for example, I really want to create and give. For me it is important to feel successful by creating things and putting that out in the world. Before I was more about consuming, let me consume, and consume and learn. Now I want to provide and give back. For me it is an important part of my definition of success right now, you know, that makes me feel happy and successful. So that’s important right now for me, it’s important to have that clarity around what is what is success now. Then once you get that sorted then the next thing the next part is prioritized life areas and then I also want you to think in the defining success: there’s a really good Harvard Business Review article from one of the professors that talked about how will you measure your life. Think about the metric by which your life will be judged by yourself and by others. What do you want to be remembered for this year and in your life in general, that is also helpful.
8:33 Prioritize life areas
Then you want to prioritize your life areas. We talked about few but this is specifically around those elements of family, career, finances, fun, health, faith, love, career, travel experiences. What part of your life do you want to spend, give more attention to? So I would actually rank this. You want to rank the areas of your life in terms of importance for this year. It’s not that they’re more important, not that one, if you rank first, doesn’t mean careers is more important than your family. It just means that this year you feel like you need to invest more time in your career, that’s all. It’s not that career is more important. So think about where do you need to invest more time. Where are you further away from your definition of success. And here you could also even think, ok, what does success mean in each one of these areas of your life so prioritize those. And so you can understand what are the areas that you need to focus more on.
9:39 Define 10-year vision
And then finally define your 10 year vision because most people underestimate what they can do in 10 years but they overestimate what they can do in one year. So you want to have that idea of the 10 year vision as well. Just generally where do you want to go with your life right. Where do you want to be. What do you think you can achieve in 10 years. And generally you know a lot of people build multi million or even billion dollar businesses in 10 years from scratch. Poople can totally turn around their lives. They can get 2 degrees sometimes even three degrees in a 10 years. A lot can be done in 10 years. Think 20 to 30 years old, how much can change in that time. So many life changes. So what is your 10 year vision? What is it that? What kind of life do you envision for yourself at that point? And these three questions together , they’ll give you the guideline of what are the things that matter to me right now. It will make you think about your priorities, think independently on what matters to you, your purpose, and all that good stuff. once you’re done with this then we get to the next point which is the goals.
10:53 High level goals
And this is a still high level and it’s about prioritization because prioritization is strategizing so we want to talk about.
11:05 One year goals
You want to 1st get your one year goals and again you want them to be smart right: specific, measurable, attainable, and realistic, and time bound in the areas that you’ve defined previously. The areas of your life be it health, family, finance, whatever it is, you know within the top three areas of your life. You know you’re not going to be able to do everything right. And you want to be also aligned with the 10 year vision that you just that you just thought of. It’s gotta help you move towards that 10 year vision right.
11:43 Your #1 goal
Then you’re going to think about your number one goal now. Why your number one goal. Think of the one goal that if you achieved by the end of the year would make you feel successful even if everything else failed. if you got this one thing right what would that be? And usually you want this one goal to be something that also helps move the needle in some of your other goals right. So maybe you’re not very efficient right now and you want to start waking up at 5:00 AM so you have more time. Maybe that’s your goal and that’s going to help you with your career, meet with your finances, you know, maybe it’ll help with all sorts of things at the same time, your health ,’cause now you got time to exercise right with that extra free time. So whatever that goal is think of that one goal that if you achieve just that you’d be super satisfied.
12:38 What you want less of
And then I’ll also want you to think about what you want less of because in order to accommodate more things in your life, to create space, you need to remove things. What are the time Steelers are you spending time on too much time on? Netflix, on TV, on social media, on things that may be part of social media and are not giving you growth and development, right. What are you spending time on? Maybe it’s certain people that maybe are not adding that much value to your life right now and you might have to reconsider if you need really need them. To create more boundaries and you know create some distance so that you can recoup some of that precious time so that you can dedicate that time to your number one goal and the other goals that you have for this year, so you need to eliminate. Let’s work on elimination.
13:30 Tactical goals
Let’s talk about the goals, the tactical goals, because the tactical goals are going to help you set yourself up for success during the year. Now you’re getting into, from going from the high level yearly goals from the big picture, to the high level goals, to now how can you make sure that this will works out. That you will actually achieve these things, and you will not disconnect, you will not get to Feb 1st or end of Feb or quarter two without even remembering what your goals were, come on, we know that happens all the time.
14:05 Define sub-goals
That’s why you need sub goals, habits, and tracking. And the sub goals is basically take each of your top three goals right and break them down into a couple of subgoals maybe 2, 3, 6, 5, some goals so that you know that it’s not this huge thing that you can tackle. When you break it down it becomes more manageable and you have a plan right. It’s almost like the initial starting point of the plan and then within each of these ones that you can break it down further as you move along the year. But now you know your big items. You know that maybe you know those if you have five goals and maybe know that every two months you want to achieve one of those. So now it starts to plan out itself right now you only have to break that two month period into some smaller goals. So you really want to break it down and it makes it so much more manageable. And not this huge thing that you’re going to be scared of moving forward with. You want it to be somewhat approachable and breaking it down gives you that. That’s the beginning of the planning process which you can then maintain as you move forward in the year.
15:15 Define your habits
Think about the habits now I am I love habits because habits is the one thing that you can control happens is a thing that that defines your day or your month your week in it is it’s about consistency so you might be have negative habits that are consistently there taking your time or giving you making you you know negative or upset and you might have consistent positive habits that you want to incorporate now I want you to think about how these sub goals in his goals can align or what was your habits what habits can you create that will support your goals in your circles and what happens can you eliminate that will help you with your goals in some foods because habits my friends are something that you can control habit or something you do everyday and it’s so much easier to make to maintain your motivation when you say OK you know my one of my habits like I said it was waking up and say it 5:00 AM or 6:00 AM everyday or five times a week during the week days and maybe maybe that wasn’t the ultimate goal maybe you didn’t get you know the sales you wanted or maybe you didn’t get the weight loss you wanted or maybe you didn’t get the promotion you wanted but you took that first step in that actionable step for something that you can feel proud of you could take at end of the day I did it maybe that is OK maybe I if you wanna Anne get a raise right maybe it’s it’s aligned with your boss or figure out or work on something that’s perceived as high value by your boss that date and if you even put in half an hour to do that right in the day and you say I want to do this my first half an hour at work or my last half an hour at work or when I get home then is something if you spend that time maybe you might not even get the promotion of it it’s going to be a little bit late if you’re not going to get the promotion that you wanted or maybe you’re not going to you might not get the and the number that you were seeking well you know you’ve done something you have taken action you’re moving forward you’re making progress and that is going to give you confidence and that is going to make you feel accomplished and that is going to make you get momentum so that you can keep going forward is going to keep you hooked until you’re able to achieve that accomplishment ’cause sometimes accomplishments take time sometimes they take longer than we expect but you need to maintain the motivation and one of the great ways of maintaining motivation is by having a habit ’cause you can track that you can say hey I accomplished this habit today if it’s learning you want to learn you want to read a book a week maybe that’s a new habit baby you’re going to an idea if you can do it on a daily basis I’m going to spend 15 minutes a day reading and at 6:00 PM right you can specify a time a location I on myself on my living room I and then consistently do that make me make your days full of habits are consistent and aligned with your goals and sub goals and then my friends put that in your checklist and you’re going to see you’re going to feel good ’cause you know that you’re doing something that you can control and that eventually is going to lead to something greater to your bigger smart goals so that’s the important of habits and you can change the habits if you’re doing any feel feel like OK maybe I need to do something else to achieve my goals you can you can change it as you move throughout the year so that is good you can think about habits in terms of kindness spend your time and maybe you want to eliminate habits of like I said watching TV or spending time doing things that you don’t like maybe you want to create a new habit of eating a salad today waking up at a certain time doing a 20 minute workout everyday at a certain time maybe you want reviewing your day drilling at the end of the day maybe you want a new habit or morning routine maybe when I using which you want to lunch routine network with one person at lunch everyday send one message to somebody every day right those are those are happy that you can incorporate you can incorporate weekly habits right doing a financial review at the end of the week monthly review monthly habits like doing an overall assessment of your performance at the end of the month planning for the month ahead at the beginning of the month 1st of the month taking an hour off to analyze where you stand by these little things that you can do it will build momentum towards where you want to go Ben and for me for example a habit that I want to get rid of is I just spent too much time on food.
20:09 Tracking your goals
Tracking everything that you measure. It’s going to be more sustainable. And telling that we measure things are going to be able to see what otherwise you can see. Like X rays, you’re going to be able to see what’s working, what’s not working. You would be able to evaluate the situation in it and adjust your subgoals, adjust your habits, adjust your direction to achieve that goal. So you want to keep tracking your daily routines, your subgoals progress, the progress you’re going to have measurement for whatever you want KPIs or key performance indicators. You want some numbers and maybe that’s just a checklist. How many times a week have I done this for an exercise and then you want to also have an accountability partner. if you can to go through your goals, and how you’ve been, what you’ve done, and you haven’t done your tracking at the end of the week, at the end of the month, every other week, whatever works for you. That could be your spouse, that could be a friend ,you could join a mastermind to do that, you could join us, and then schedule them on your calendar. Schedule your goals ,schedule your habits on your calendar ,make sure that you understand, you see what the progress is with the numbers. And that my friend, is going to allow you to see where you’re going and make course corrections as needed.
21:44 Summary
So those are the three elements. It’s very simple: you want to align dream alignment, with defining success, prioritizing the life that areas that you want to work on this year, to find your 10 year vision. Your high level goals, so define your one year goal, is the number one goal that will make you feel successful if you achieve that only that one thing, and what you need to reduce, less of, so you can create more space. And then you tactical goals that you can set up, set yourself up and maintain the momentum and energy as you move throughout the year with subgoals, habits, and tracking. How you feel about that my friends? Are you ready to set your goals? Well I certainly am! I am in that process right now. I want accountability I’m going to have someone. I’m going to give a full review of last year and my following this year my plan for this year with the person that is close to me and I think you should do that. That’s my accountability partner. So my friends be confident, candid, and caring and pay visit if you want to learn you know gain more confidence at work, be a better communicator, get recognized, appreciated, speak up nicely. I got tons of free stuff there for you and that will help you do that get more appreciation, get confidence, and plan your life, plan your career, plan your work, so you can be fulfilled and joyful at work as well.
I love this post on How to set goals. It helped me a lot on writing down my goals for 2021.
Thanks for that. Now I am sure I will make it.
Thanks for your comment! I’m glad it was helpful to you 😊. Good luck with your 2021 goals!