
Empowering Professional Women with Assertive Communication Workshops

Equip the women in your organization with the tools and confidence to excel in their careers through our expert-led, customized assertive communication workshops.

At the Assertive Way Institute, we believe in empowering professional women to excel in their careers by providing unparalleled training on assertive communication, leadership, and overcoming gender bias

Our workshops are meticulously designed to help women navigate challenging conversations, build meaningful relationships, and foster an inclusive workplace culture

As a leader in your company, you have the opportunity to create a lasting impact by bringing these transformative workshops to your organization.

Why Us?

Our trailblazing approach, commitment to diversity and inclusion, and expert trainer Ivna Curi set us apart from the competition. 

We offer customized solutions tailored to the unique needs of each organization, providing a highly personalized and impactful learning experience.

Additionally, we offer post-training support, including ongoing resources, monthly Q&A sessions, and access to additional training materials to ensure sustained growth and learning.

Our Workshops

SPEAK UP AND BE HEARD: Overcome the Likability Penalty and Communicate with Confidence

SPEAK UP ASSERTIVELY: Master the Art of Assertive Communication Without Being Aggressive

SAFESPEAK: Speak Up Safely, Even When It Feels Psychologically Unsafe

Statistics and Trends

Gender Gap In Leadership

According to a McKinsey & Company study, women make up only 26% of C-suite, 36% of senior manager / director positions, despite representing 48% of entry-level roles.
 This disparity underscores the importance of assertive communication training to help women navigate barriers and advance in their careers.

Gender Pay Gap

The World Economic Forum's Global Gender Gap Report 2022 reveals that it will take 132 years to reach full global gender parity. In North America, it will take 59 years to close the gender gap. The US gender pay gap is 18%. The global gender wealthy gap for leadership roles stands at 38%. This indicates that women need to develop effective communication skills to advocate for equal pay and opportunities.

Gender Bias

Research by Catalyst reveals that women continue to face gender bias and stereotypes at work, which can result in negative consequences when they assert themselves. This demonstrates the need for workshops that teach women how to navigate these biases and communicate assertively without facing backlash.

Psychological Safety

A study by Google's Project Aristotle found that psychological safety, which includes the ability to speak up without fear of retribution, is a key component of high-performing teams. Workshops focused on helping women develop the skills to speak up safely can contribute to improved team performance and innovation.

Diversity & Inclusion

A McKinsey report, "Diversity Wins", indicates that companies with more diverse leadership teams are 36% more likely to outperform their less diverse counterparts in terms of profitability. Encouraging women to develop assertive communication skills can help organizations create more diverse and inclusive workplaces, which can lead to increased financial performance.

Employee Engagement

Gallup research shows that engaged employees are more productive, profitable, and less likely to leave their jobs. By fostering an environment where women feel empowered to communicate assertively and openly, organizations can boost employee engagement and retention.

Resources and Media

Learn more about Ivna Curi and the Assertive Way Institute’s impact through our speaker reel, sample talks, media appearances, and insightful blog posts:

Book A Call

Book a call with us today to discuss how our workshops can benefit the women in your organization. Empower them to communicate assertively, foster an inclusive environment, and excel in their careers with the Assertive Way Institute.

The Assertive Way Institute is committed to helping women in large organizations unlock their full potential through our customized assertiveness training programs.

As a leader, you can make a significant difference by advocating for these workshops within your company. Book a call with us today and transform your organization by investing in the growth and success of the women you represent.

Or Submit Your Request

Alternatively contact me at info@assertiveway.com or ivnacuri@assertiveway.com.

Photo credits: Raven Hanning and Maddie Schwenneker